Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research
What We Treat

Interested in speaking with someone about CHEAR’s Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Program?

Treatments Overview

At CHEAR, we embrace a multifaceted approach, recognizing that every individual is unique and inherently worthy. We understand that complex factors like thoughts, physiological responses to highly palatable food, and emotions can influence eating behaviors independently or in concert and impact overall well-being. We focus on helping each person become their best self, not just in terms of physical health but in emotional and psychological well-being, too.

Our research and treatment programs go beyond the conventional focus on weight loss and dieting. We have novel methods targeting neurobiological (brain) responses to food, and other cognitive methods that enhance our programs. We’re committed to fostering overall health, helping people be the best version of themselves, and empowering them to engage in and embrace their best lives. At CHEAR, it’s not just about the numbers on a scale; it’s about the whole person and their journey towards a balanced, healthy life.

At CHEAR, we provide tailored treatment plans for the following conditions:

We offer a comprehensive overview of the disorders we treat, outlining key behaviors, signs, and the associated health risks to guide you or your loved one on the journey to becoming your best self.