Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research
Past Studies

Learn about our current studies

Adult Programs

CHARGE (Controlling Hunger and Regulating Eating) for Veterans

Ages: 18-65

The CHARGE program was a no-cost 5-month behavioral treatment program for veterans with overeating or binge eating and obesity. The CHARGE program was a 11-month treatment study providing veterans with strategies to regain control over eating and lose weight. The supportive group therapy provided treatment for overeating and binge eating.

NEXT (Novel Executive Function Training) for Weight Loss

Ages: 18-65

The NEXT program was a no-cost 6-month behavioral weight loss program that helped adults develop healthy lifestyle behaviors and aided in organization and problem solving. The group treatment format provided support and accountability for making healthy changes.

SCNIP (Southern California Nutrition Incentive Program)​

Ages: 18-65

Southern California Nutrition Incentive Program was a multi-tiered program, which included fruit and vegetable rebate financial incentives, promotions, and nutrition education and obesity prevention programming in a retail setting for SNAP participants who shop at eligible Northgate Markets in Southern California.

BEAM (Binge Eating Anxiety and Mood)

Ages: 18-65

The BEAM program is a no-cost 4-month treatment program for overeating and binge eating that helps adults regain control over their eating and aids in organization and problem solving. The group treatment format provides a supportive environment for creating healthy and sustainable eating patterns.

Child and Adolescent Programs


Ages: 13-16

The FRESH-Teen program was a six month, no-cost behavioral weight loss treatment program for adolescents ages 13-16 with overweight and obesity and their participating parent. Our supportive group therapy focused on weight-loss, strategies for healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits, and skills for effective parenting. This study was conducted in connection with researchers at the University of Minnesota.

(Family, Responsibility, Education, Support & Health—Dual Options for Sustained Effectiveness)

Ages: 7-12

The FRESH-DOSE study was a program for children ages 7-12 who struggled with overweight and obesity, and qualifying parent or guardian. The FRESH-DOSE program was six months and provided guided self-help and family-based behavioral therapy to help families develop healthy eating and exercise behaviors that could become healthy habits for life.

(Reinforced Enhanced Family, Responsibility, Education, Support & Health)

Ages: 7-12

The REFRESH study was a program for children ages 7-12 who struggled with overweight and obesity, and their qualifying parent or guardian. The REFRESH program lasted six months and provided family-based behavioral therapy to help families develop healthy eating and exercise behaviors that could become healthy habits for life. The program focused on weight loss, healthy eating strategies, and skills for effective parenting and behavior management.